Monday, November 8, 2010

Not Quite Ms. Fix-it-All

The Boyfriend has had a bit of a rough patch these last couple of months. It hasn’t been anything drastic, just enough small issues to drive a man crazy. It’s been a lot of the usual… work, car problems, money... it seems like everything is breaking and costing us more money! He had his personal cell phone stolen (again!) and just about gave up on owning a cell phone. He finally gave in and got another personal phone since we don’t have a house phone and his work phone doesn’t get service where we live. He made this decision after my car broke down one morning and I had no way to contact him. I ended up taking a long (read: expensive) taxi ride home and he felt horrible about it.

With The Boyfriend as stressed as he is, my Momma Bear instinct has kicked into high gear. He invited the boys over this weekend. While they went out to cause some trouble, I opted to stay home and do everything in my power to make our home sparkle and shine. I wanted him to step into a relaxing haven when got back. I slipped my marigolds on and went to work – did the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, baked banana bread, shampooed the carpets… I think I cleaned myself back to 1954.

When the boys returned they found themselves outside playing in the mud. It never fails… The Boyfriend’s most prized possession is his bobcat, and whenever the boys come over they want to play. They hadn’t so much as stepped out of the truck when they fired that thing up. After successfully sinking the bobcat in the mud The Boyfriend came inside, disappointed. In his excitement he had forgotten he was wearing his favorite jeans and managed to get the thick red clay that our house sits on all over his bottom. Still playing my housewife role, I took on the duty of stain removal, eager to make everything better. I’ve never been great at stain removing, but I’d be damned if I was going to let this one get the better of me. I scrubbed that stain and proudly returned the pants to their intended color. Satisfied with my conquer I tossed the pants into the wash for a final cleaning and retired with The Boyfriend to enjoy the rest of the evening together. Then…. I heard it. The thumping. Oh lord, I knew something was amiss… I could see the pants, my victory, swishing through the soapy water in the wash. Everything looked great, yet there it was. Thump… thump… thumpthump thump… with dread filling my chest I turned off the washer and waited for the gurgle of water to subside. Reaching in I searched through the bubbles until I found the source of the thumping.

The Boyfriend’s brand new cell phone.

So much for my I’ll-take-care-of-all-the-stress attempt.

The Moral of the Story: Today I Love I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all.

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